Artist of the Week:
"Alan Ayers"

This Week's Theme:

Monday, March 23, 2009

Mystery Monday - 23rd March

Welcome friends! 
For new members - so glad you could join us here at Back to the Drawing Board.  For the older ones - good to see you all again. It's about time we get this show on the road, isn't it? We took a break back in August last year that was supposed to last till October, but then I had to send my beloved dog to Rainbow Bridge at the end of September, and the year was just a bit of a blur after that. any event, we are back! And we are back with a vengeance! *g*  As you know with WOSIB closing we have gained many of the SOD and Creators members from there, and in the last few days our membership has sky-rocketted!  Which is wonderful to see.  I did another sweep last night with invitations and found my Inbox full of applications this morning.

OK, so what's on the agenda, you might ask?  Today I bring you the Weekly theme and the first challenge of the week and for the newly revived "Back to the Drawing Board" - which we just called "Drawing Board" for short.

The theme this week is "Somewhere over the Rainbow" which you will see posted at the top of the page.  This will remain there for the entire week, afterwhich it will be replaced next Monday with a new theme.  The idea of the theme is to create anything this week using that theme, and on Thursday, to send in any tubes relating to the theme.  Think you can do it? *g*

Now for our challenge....
Something a little simple to begin with....some of you have asked me in the past how do I get my text in a curve around my tags.  So I thought for this challenge:

This is the website tutorial I used when I first learnt how to write text on a curve. It is very simple and easy to follow.

So what do we have to start with?

This Week's Theme:
"Somewhere over the Rainbow"

To make a tag (or stat for those who make stats) using "Text on a Curve"

When you're done, just post back through the list!  Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.


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