Artist of the Week:
"Alan Ayers"

This Week's Theme:

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Whatever Wednesday - 29th April

It's Wednesday already and where has the week gone? Just GONE since I spent most of it in bed sick....LOL

So today our "whatever" is WORDART!! *g*

Below is a file of animal word arts for you to create with
(sorry - tis all I had on my puter and I really couldn't find the energy to hunt around my CDs for

OK I relented and found some freebie Word Arts in my Scrap section for you.....*g*

We look forward to seeing what you come up with.  Sorry it's not more  But just one of those weeks.

Stina and Tootypup

Tuesday Tutorials - 28th April

Ok I'm late this week, but as most of you know I have been sick.  But I'm feeling a touch better now which is good.
And today I bring you the Tuesday Tutorials!  We look forward to seeing what you come up with.

"Flying High"

"Far Away"

"Fading into my Heart"

"Three Pieces"

"Vintage Beauty"

OK that's it everyone! I hope you find something you like and can use.  We look forward to seeing your creations...and remember, be creative and original! Your work does not have to look exactly like the tutorials. They are merely there as a guide to help you LEARN how to use these tools. *g*

Stina and Tootypup (the assistant who seems to be here....sometimes, I

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mystery Monday - 27th April

(Frames above use all three of the challenge plugins)

Your Mystery Monday challenge this week will be to use at least one of the filters to make your tag(s). The more the merrier!!

Below are these filters in a Winzip file
AAA Frames, MaRu's Miester Clouds and the Sandflower plugins.

You may download the latest version of Filters Unlimited here:
( Import the Sandflower plugins into Filters Unlimited and it will show as: Sandflower Special)

I have supplied a zip of photos for you to use in any way in your tag(s) if you so wish.

How to Make the Frame 

1. Open a new workspace and add a new rastor layer.

2. Flood fill the new layer with a color of your choice or.....

3. Open a new workspace with a paper or textured background of your choice.

4. If you use a plain color on your new rastor it and go to MaRu's Meister - Clouds. 
Change the colors in Clouds to the colors that you wish the frame / background to be and leave the settings at default.

5. Next...if you want to apply other special effects (such as one of the Sandflower plugins), apply them now.

6. With either your new paper or textured background or MaRu's Meister - Clouds....
Resize this layer to desired size for your tag. Select resized tag and apply "selection / invert". Now apply 
AAA Frames - Foto on default settings or play with the settings until you get something you like. Deselect
when you are finished.

Have a great time is much easier than it looks!!

And because I am so ill with a sinus headcold this week and can't think straight, I have decided to keep last weeks' theme as this weeks' too. Seems fitting to me since it features the weather, and its the weather that's done this to me. LOL  I'm also sending out early in case I forget tomorrow, since I'm not so well.

Enjoy your play everyone!  And looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

Stina and Tootypup (the silent one returning from her AWOL

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tube Thursday - 23rd April

OK snaggers....come on down!
Come share with us your tubes!!  Anything relating to our weekly theme "Rain, Hail or Shine".
This is YOUR day to play....

Don't forget previews. Always helpful to others. *g*

Stina and Tootypup

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Whatever Wednesday - 22nd April

Today's Whatever Wednesday is somewhat of a different challenge.  It is what we call a "Grab Bag"....because everything in it is a surprise! *g*

Now the instructions are simple:

1. Download the file and unzup it;

2. There are four types of supplies included (ie. masks, fonts, tubes, templates)

3. You are to select at least ONE of each type of file AS WELL as something from the scrap mini supplied (could be one thing - could be several - but at least something)

You up for the challenge?  Hey I don't even know how these will turn out. LOL  I just grabbed a few different kinds of things and threw them in! *g*

For the tubes, I have included both mists and regular tubes. You only have to use one or the other, though feel free to incorporate both if you like.

OK, can't wait to see what you come up with!!

Happy creating!

Stina and Tootypup

Tuesday Tutorials - 21st April

OK so I'm a tad late again....had my niece's 18th yesterday then my Avon sales meeting today. And boy was I hit with some surprising news! I'm in the top ten in our district AND I'm in the running for the Bronze Mrs Albee award which is a most prestigious award!!  It means the rep who has had the highest percentage in improvement in sales since last Presidents Club year! WOW! Didn't think I'd done that good. lol So I'm pretty stoked.
Anyway, here are your late Tuesday Tuts.... I'm not levelling them anymore because that takes too much time for me to sort out which is easy to advanced.  I just try and pick a variety from Beg to Advanced.  Just try your best and do what you like with them!!  And most of all - enjoy!

"Velvet Heart"

"Bells with Lilies"

"Violet Spring"

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mystery Monday - 20th April

As we all live in various parts of the world we all experience a variety in our weather.
For those of us in the southern hemisphere we are now in Autumn where our days are becoming shorter and nights are getting colder.  While those in the northern hemisphere are enjoying the new life of spring as summer draws closer.
It is this that inspired our theme for this week as I looked out my window at the dull sky and the onset of rain, while I am contemplating turning on the heater. LOL

Now for our challenge!
I did this in another group.  And the challenge is to create a "sitting tag" if that's what you call it. lol  You write your name or short text and a sitting or laying down tube sits on top of it.  I have provided a couple to give you an idea. These were rushed so I could get them up to show you.  But remember, you can do them on anything you like - use your name or a short catch phrase.

So this week we have.....

Weekly Theme:
Rain, Hail or Shine

Sitting Tag

Have fun everyone and we look forward to seeing your creations!

Stina and Tootypup (who's gone AWOL......)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Whatever Wedneday - 15th April

A couple of animal pics for you to play with this week - in keeping with our animal theme.
Just click on the thumbnails for the larger version.

Happy creating!!

Stina and Tootypup

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tuesday Tutorials - 14th April

The first two tuts are my own, the second being within the "Animals" theme for the week - and a dedication to my baby girl who crossed Rainbow Bridge almost 7 months ago now. We look forward to seeing your creations!

Easy Scallop Tag

Remembering You

Love Hurts

Delirium (by my friend Hele)

Sunny Day

That's it everyone! Enjoy!

Stina and Tootypup

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Mystery Monday - 13th April

I hope you all had a lovely Easter break and didn't pig out on too much chokky, eh? hehehe  Me? I still have chokky in the fridge...yum! *g*

OK, Mystery Monday is a day late, but that's OK.  We can still play.....

Weekly Theme:
For the Love of Animals

Create a tag of an animal beginning with the first letter of your name
For those who use online nicknames , you can use either - nickname or real name. Or be daring and do both! LOL

And as always....have fun!!

Stina and Tootypup

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter

A special message from Stina and Ciara...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Whatever Wednesday - 8th April

Today's "whatever" challenge are a couple of images to do create with as you will. *g*
And still....within this week's delicious
Can imagine finding yourself in such a delicious predicament??  Mmmmm....

Happy creating everyone!

Stina and Tootypup

Tuesday Tutorials - 7th April

We have some delicious chocolate tutorials for you this week...mmmmm.  And we look forward to seeing what you come up with.  Just look at them makes me want to raid the fridge! lol

Beginner: "Chocolate"

Beginner: "Chocolate Bar"

Intermediate: "Gimme Chocolate"

Advanced: "Chocolate Bar in Wrapper"
(there is two pages to this tut, so don't forget the second page)

Translated: "Chocolate"

Here are a couple of interesting Chocolate Text tuts.

Chocolate Text Effect #1

Chocolate Text Effect #2

Hope you find something you like!!  And please....don't forget to send back through the list for us all to enjoy!  If you could attach your creations that would be great so I can save them and add them to the slideshow. *g*

Stina and Tooypup

Monday, April 6, 2009

Mystery Monday - 6th April

Ok since it is Easter this week what better theme to have than the obvious, eh? LOL
And the challenge is an easy one to coincide with it.


Bel Vidotti's "Lovely Chocolate" freebie

Looking forward to your creations!!
Don't forget to send them back through the list so we can all enjoy them.

Stina and Tootypup

Friday, April 3, 2009

Fun Friday - 3rd April

OK gang....go for it!


Share, snag, create.....anything you wish!  Just have a ball!

Stina and Tootypup

Thursday Tubes - 2nd April

OK Snaggers.....this one's for you!
Because it's.....

Tube Thursday!!!

Just send in any tubes relating to Easter (this weeks' theme)!
Easy peasy!

Come on everyone...let's have some fun.

Stina and Tootypup

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Whatever Wednesday - 1st April

Happy April Fools everyone! hehe

Your Whatever Wednesday Challenge is to make your own Easter Egg.
I have provided a tutorial below on how to do so - should be fun!  Decorate it however you wish with whatever you wish!  Remember to make it your own!

Easter Eggs

For the Beginners, you can decorate a premade one if you like.

Design Your Easter Egg Kit

Don't forget to be creative and make each creation YOUR OWN. Try not to copy them exactly as they appear. That is the fun part! hehe
And as always....send back through the list!

Stina and Tootypup